What is a wisdom tooth?

✓ Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to develop and are located in the back of your mouth, behind your second molars. 

✓ Wisdom teeth develop between the ages of 16 to 20

✓ In most people, the jaw is too small to accommodate wisdom teeth. When inadequate space prevents wisdom teeth from erupting, they become impacted
But they don't bother me...Based on our experience, 95% of the wisdom teeth we see are removed. It is a high likelihood you will be needing them removed. 


When do I need them removed?

Recommended age to be removed between ages 16 to 20


What are the signs & symptoms?

If not removed, generally symptoms include:

✓  sharp pain
✓ swelling of gums that come and go
✓ food constantly stuck in-between your teeth
✓ inability to open your mouth
✓ dull ache that may radiate to your head or jaw.
These symptoms require immediate action before they become more severe.


What are the benefits of wisdom teeth extractions?

✓ Decreased risk of inflammation and infections

✓ Decreased risk of cysts and damage to the jaw and adjacent teeth

✓ Decreased potential for teeth crowding. The pressure from erupting wisdom teeth may result in crowding of your other teeth and affect the alignment of your teeth. 


Valley Dental Care Wisdom Teeth Treatment Approach:

We recommend the removal of all four wisdom teeth (if present) is highly recommended during the teenage years


We want you to be confidant and comfortable with the provider performing the procedure, that is why we always recommend a consultation to answer all your questions and concerns.

An oral examination will be performed and the provider will discuss the risks and benefits


✓ Patients can choose to have their wisdom teeth extractions done under nitrous sedation (laughing gas) or with local anesthetic alone

✓ We highly recommend the procedure to be under laughing gas for optimal comfort ✓ Patients will recover in the clinic, and return home with their escort 


How long does the procedure typically take?

✓ The procedure typically takes about 90 minutes. This includes the time to fill out paper work, and set up/recovery time.


How long is the recovery

Wisdom teeth removal is a common preventative procedure. Detection and early removal will allow for a smooth recovery. Generally 1 -2 weeks is acceptable for the average person.


How can I request an appointment?

✓ If your wisdom teeth are causing problems, you do not need a referral for treatment. 


Call us today for a free consultation
to see if this procedure is right for you.